Golden boy Albie Manzo paves the way for clinically dumb former law students everywhere.
ALBIE: Ma, I got a 0.0000 GPA this semester. Seton Hall has politely asked me not to return.
CAROLINE: Why would they do that? Are they crazy?
ALBIE: Well, my grades bring down their average, and that hurts their ranking.
CAROLINE: Selfish motherfuckin' law school. Only caring about the law. Ri goddamn diculous.
ALBIE: Its ok. Maybe I'll help Christopher open his chicks with dicks car wash.
CAROLINE: No son of mine is gonna work at a chicks with dicks car wash!
ALBIE: But you let Christopher do it.
CAROLINE: He doesn't count. Did you tell Seton Hall about your disability? And how you've been clinically diagnosed as dumb?
ALBIE: Of course. They said maybe a clinically dumb dude might not make the best lawyer.
CAROLINE: Those bastards! Those prejudiced bastards!
ALBIE: The dean said I remind him of Forrest Gump, but without the charm and sincerity.
CAROLINE: You stand up for yourself and every low IQ guy out there, and show the world that idiots can practice law, too!
ALBIE: I really just want to take a nap...
BIG ALBERT: What's going on in here? The yelling is so loud I had to take a break from my stability ball.
CAROLINE: Albie's stupidness disability got him kicked out of Seton Hall.
ALBIE: What should we do, dad?
BIG ALBERT: What should we do? What we always do to help you kids accomplish stuff. Threaten the lives of whoever is in charge.
CAROLINE: I'll get the Uzi.
I hope Caroline doesn't read this and order a hit on you, RJ. At least you'd be more famous than you already are.
ReplyDeleteStrangely, the thought did cross my mind as I was writing this. Bitch is scary.