Danny Provenzano breaks down when he's told that he is not posing with the actual Big Pussy, but rather actor Vincent Pastore.Scene IDANIELLE: So, Danny, you gonna protect me from the Manzos at the Brownstone?
DANNY: Does Tony protect Christopher?
DANIELLE: Yeah, I guess. Until he killed him in Season 6.
DANNY: I got you. No worries. We stick together like Meadow and Jackie Jr.
DANIELLE: Sure. Hey, where the frick is our table? Is this how people treat people who treat babies with cancer nicely?
DANNY: Heh, this is like when Dr. Melfi got raped.
DANIELLE: Is it really?
DANNY: I guess not. Just be a good Carmela and make sure I get some chicken parm in my belly tonight.
DANIELLE: I would, if this damn family would acknowledge that I'm here. So this is how they act toward Danielle Staub. Like a common crazy person. We're gonna make Caroline and Dina wish they never came out of Nina "Grandma Wrinkles" Laurita's womb, AM I RIGHT, DANNY??? AM I RIGHT???
DANNY: Sure, Danielle. Just like Silvio did Adriana.
DANIELLE: There's that Danny Provenzano enthusiasm. Atta boy.
DANNY: So where's Big Pussy?
DANIELLE: Right here, baby. Get it?
DANNY: Be serious, Danielle! I really thought he'd be here tonight.
DANIELLE: Hey, Danny? You know that The Sopranos was a fictional television show, right?
DANNY: W-what do you mean?
DANIELLE: It wasn't real. Fake. Faker than these tig ol' bitties you're looking at.
DANNY: You shut up. You shut up right now.
DANIELLE: Its true. Now I need you to get a grip on reality and make sure the Manzos pay for all their perceived transgressions against me! Uh... Danny? Why are you sobbing in the fetal position?
DANNY: You've shattered my world! Ughughughugh.
**Sniff** Shattered it!
DANIELLE: Jeez. Delusional much? Get off the ground, and let's attack the people who are intent on destroying me.
Scene IIJACQUELINE: Hi, I'm Jacqueline Laurita. You must be my daughter's boyfriend's mom.
DEREK'S MOM: I am, indeed. You look breathtaking.
JACQUELINE: Thanks! I sure hope my Ashley has been respectful of your home while she gives Derek bj's in the basement.
DEREK'S MOM: Oh, extremely respectful. She even cleans up afterwards!
JACQUELINE: That's my girl!
DEREK'S MOM: Would you like some wine, Jacqueline? The Greeks used to say that wine brings you closer to the gods.
JACQUELINE: Is that so? Well, bring it on!
DEREK'S MOM: It also loosens inhibitions.
JACQUELINE: Inhi-what?
DEREK'S MOM: Oh, silly Jacqueline. Silly, buxom, sexually appealing Jacqueline.
JACQUELINE: This wine is really strong!
DEREK'S MOM: Yes, it's a special blend. Drink up, darling. Quickly.
JACQUELINE: So, let's talk more about our crazy kids being in love. Remember what that was like?
DEREK'S MOM: Remember? How does one remember the present? Let me feed you grapes. Straight from my yearning fingers to your anxious gullet.
JACQUELINE: Wow, you sure talk different from most of the ladies in Jersey...
DEREK'S MOM: Hush! Now we kiss.
JACQUELINE: I'm... Feeling... Woozy....
DEREK'S MOM: When you wake up in a dark confined space in my basement, in approximately six hours, please do not be alarmed. My precious Jacqueline.
DEREK: Hey mom, we're home!
ASHLEY: Why's my mother passed out on the couch?
DEREK'S MOM: Oh, you know, a little too much two p.m. drinky drinky. I imagine it's also how she became pregnant with you! Now who wants a Hot Pocket?
(They push Jacqueline out of the way to eat their Hot Pockets).