Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Real Housewives of Atlanta - Episode 3

Did I hear correctly? Did Kim on Real Housewives seriously say she's 29? As in, twenty-nine years old? Born in 1979? Bish, please. I don't mean to be hatin', but c'mon now...

You claiming to be 29 is like Jo De La Rosa saying she's 24.

Talk about being tardy for the party. Sheesh.


  1. Her surgery was supposed to make her look 29, however it failed and now everyone knows she is lying... on national television.

  2. Does we know anyone who works at the Fulton County Department of Health, with access to vital statistics like birth certificates?

    I think an expose into Kim's real age could be just what previouslyonthehills.com needs to break onto the pop culture scene.
